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During your pregnancy we will offer you 4 ultrasounds. We do most of these ourselves at our main location. For the prenatal screening we refer you to Bovenmaas Prenataal or STAR-SHL. Bovenmaas Prenataal have one of their branches at our main location. 

Early pregnancy ultrasound – 8 weeks
At the early pregnancy ultrasound we check if the pregnancy is inside the womb, whether we can detect a heartbeat, whether it is a single or multiple pregnancy, and whether the size corresponds with the duration of the pregnancy. In most cases this will be a transvaginal ultrasound.

Dating ultrasound – 10-13 weeks
During the dating ultrasound we measure the baby, establish the duration of the pregnancy and calculate your due date. We also check the heartbeat and whether the baby is growing and developing properly. This is usually a transabdominal ultrasound.

13 week ultrasound 
A screening for physical abnormalities in the baby early in pregnancy. More information you can find in the link to brochure. 

16 week ultrasound, to check the gender 
Wondering if you are expecting a boy or girl?
You can have an ultrasound with us to check the gender. This can only be done after 16 weeks pregnant.
Ask our assistants to schedule this, this can (also) be linked to a regular check-up.
You will then receive some photos and a card with the gender of the baby.

Of course we do our utmost to assess it as accurate as possible, but it is good to realize that an ultrasound does not offer 100% certainty.
We therefore do not do this ultrasound before the 16 weeks, to increase the chance that we can see it properly. Costs for this ultrasound are € 30.
If it is not clearly visible, for example due to the unfavorable position of the baby, you can schedule a one-time repeat ultrasound free of charge.

This gender ultrasound is also possible if you are not a client with us!

Mid-pregnancy ultrasound/Anomaly scan/ 20 week ultrasound 
This ultrasound screens for serious structural and developmental abnormalities in the body. The various organ systems are assessed to detect any serious birth defects. While many birth defects can be detected, not all of them can be excluded. This scan is focused on physical defects such as spina bifida, heart abnormality or cleft palate. Based on the results of the screening, further investigation may be necessary.

Folder 13 week and 20 week ultrasound

Development ultrasound – as indicated
A development ultrasound is usually done between 30-34 weeks. We determine the growth and position of the baby and estimate the volume of amniotic fluid. We also measure the head, the abdominal circumference and the thighbone so that we can follow the growth curve closely from this point on.

Healthy pregnancy

Feeling good has a lot to do with how you feel about yourself, which is why we offer support for a physically and mentally healthy course from the desire to have children up to and including pregnancy.