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Up-to-date information about pregnancy and the Coronavirus? Read more

Prenatal screening – from 11 weeks
The prenatal (first trimester) screening focuses on chromosomal abnormalities (such as Down’s, Edwards’ and Patau’s syndrome). For the prenatal screening as part of a combination test, we refer you to Bovenmaas Prenataal or STAR-SHL. Bovenmaas Prenataal has one of their branches at our main location.

Folder with information about screening for Down’s, Edwards’ and Patau’s syndromes

13 week ultrasound
A screening for physical abnormalities in the baby early in pregnancy. More information you can find in the link to brochure.

Mid-pregnancy ultrasound/Anomaly scan/ 20 week ultrasound
This ultrasound screens for serious structural and developmental abnormalities in the body. The various organ systems are assessed to detect any serious birth defects. While many birth defects can be detected, not all of them can be excluded. This scan is focused on physical defects such as spina bifida, heart abnormality or cleft palate. Based on the results of the screening, further investigation may be necessary.

Folder 13 week and 20 week ultrasound

Healthy pregnancy

Feeling good has a lot to do with how you feel about yourself, which is why we offer support for a physically and mentally healthy course from the desire to have children up to and including pregnancy.